DCD Industries Pvt Ltd.
Your Trusted 24 Hours Service Provider!




In today's socio-economic environment a number and varied nature of problems are faced by the management of already running units and even with the existence of competent personnel, it is not easy to find sufficient time to tackle each and every problem to give a long-term relief.
We offer to take a fresh look at your business proposal and our services cover:

1.New plant Developments including preparation of feasibility and project reports for new plants.

2.Modernization and expansion of existing units as well as their reappraisal, re-valuation etc.

3.Purchase Management.

4.Market Surveys, Sales Reorganization and Development of New Products.

5.Production Planning.

6.Inventory Control, Stores Reorganization.

7.Detailed Product Costing and Budgetary Controls.

8.Personnel Selection.

9.Internal Auditing / Financial Analysis.

10.Organization and Methods Study, Time Studies, Materials, Handing etc.